Dataset on business managers' perceptions of cloud computing adoption

Published: 10 February 2020| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/mgd4h2vnzd.3
Chi-Hoon Song, Jong Kim, Sang Woo Kim, Young-Woo Sohn


This is analytical proofs and raw data for research article, “The Role of Dependability in Adopting Cloud Computing: Focus on Similarities and Differences by IT Intensity and Service Type”. The original study explored the role of a multi-faceted dependability in cloud computing adoption, focusing on clarifying the similarities and differences by IT intensity (by industry) and service type. This article is consists of analytical proofs, measurement items, analytic tables, and raw data. Files included are as follows. ○ File 1 - Title: Details of prior studies on cloud computing adoption - Description: This file presents a review of seventy-nine studies (2009 to 2019) that focused on the adoption of cloud computing adoption at both individual and organizational level. ○ File 2 - Title: Measurement items - Description: This file reports details of the measurement items used in the original research article. ○ File 3 - Title: Samples profiles - Description: This file shows the demographic profiles of the samples. ○ File 4 - Title: Results of measurement invariance test - Description: This file shows the results of measurement invariance test. ○ File 5 - Title: Results of multicollinearity - Description: This file shows the results of variance inflation factor (VIF). ○ File 6 - Title: Hypothesis test results (table format) - Description: This file shows the results of hypothesis test on both full data set and subgroups. ○ File 7 - Title: results of mediation test for full data set - Description: This file shows the results of hypothesis test on both full data set and subgroups. ○ File 8 - Title: results of mediation test for IT intensity by industry - Description: This file shows the results of hypothesis test on IT intensity by industry ○ File 9 - Title: results of mediation test for for service type - Description: This file shows the results of hypothesis test on on service type ○ File 10 - Title: Hypothesis test results - Description: This file shows the results of hypothesis test on both full data set and subgroups. This file contains raw data for the original study: 260 samples were used for its analysis. This data were collected from a specific user level (i.e., business managers) in an organization. ○ File 6 - Title: raw data for empirical analytics - Description: This file contains raw data for the original study: 260 samples were used for its analysis. This data were collected from a specific user level (i.e., business managers) in an organization.


Steps to reproduce

Data analysis was conducted in the following steps: measurement model test -> structrural model -> multi-group analysis


Information System, Cloud Computing, Software Engineering Dependability
