Space monitoring of land use. Nura administrative region. Field data set

Published: 23 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mh744tv8kc.1
Farabi Yermekov,


As part of the space observation of land use, it was not clear in some areas whether the land was being used or not. In these areas of data, remote sensing data did not give a clear answer. A group of scientists was sent to these sites during the period May 22-31, 2019. By visual inspection, they determined the state of land use. The results are included in shp files. Also presented in reports in pdf format. In shp files. arable fields and points of view of terrestrial eyes appear. They are linked to the WGS-84 coordinate system. These data can be used to develop or refine algorithms for classifying land use according to remote sensing data.


Steps to reproduce

As part of space monitoring of land use, the task was to identify unused lands. For field data clarification, a field trip was carried out on May 22-31, 2019. Before departure from the base of the state land cadastre, the boundaries of arable land fields were obtained. A route of movement has been compiled, along which points for field observations have been determined. The points are loaded into the GPS receiver. On an all-terrain vehicle we drove along the route. Composition of the brigade: 1 driver, 1 cartographer, 1 agronomist. Visual inspection determined the condition of the fields. The data were entered into a field journal. After returning from the field, the data was entered from the field book into the attribute table of the shp file. ArcGIS. shp files. uploaded to the repository.


Remote Sensing, Land Use
