Replication Banking Regulation with Risk of Sovereign Default (JIE)

Published: 27 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mhw77j992h.1
Pablo D'Erasmo, Igor Livshits,


Replication material for “Banking Regulation with Risk of Sovereign Default” by Pablo D’Erasmo, Igor Livshits, and Koen Schoors See readme.pdf file inside zip file for description of data, codes, output, and instructions. Section "List of Tables, Figures, and Programs" maps all tables and figures in the paper to codes, data, and output. The accompanying file contains two folders. 1. “Data”: This folder contains the programs (Stata) and available data used for the analysis. 2. “Model Output”: This folder contains the Matlab codes used to create the Figure from the model.


Steps to reproduce

See readme.pdf file inside zip file for description of data, codes, output, and instructions.


Economics, International Economics, Banking Regulation, Sovereign Debt
