Observational data: Can't Stop Looking & TNAR

Published: 29 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mhycz789zr.1
liam Jefferies


This repository contain narrative observational data of two projects and was compiled as part of a ongoing research project, exploring the efficacy of qualitative observation when making comparative judgements about two immersive, augmented reality stories. Full details can be found in associated paper, Titled: How was it for you? Qualitative Observational Methods to assess the Experiential Value of Two Immersive Augmented Reality Stories, a Case Study.


Steps to reproduce

This data was generated using methods described in full within the paper this data accompanies. Paper Title: How was it for you? Qualitative Observational Methods to assess the Experiential Value of Two Immersive Augmented Reality Stories, a Case Study.


Leeds Beckett University


Augmented Reality, Methodology, Immersive Technology
