Crystallization and refluidization in very-narrow fluidized beds
These files contain an example of processing and post-processing of experimental image results. The processing and post-processing are carried out using image processing techniques. The macroscopic and microscopic measurements can be obtained by executing the provided MATLAB scripts. The parameter indicating crystallization can be obtained by running the 'phi_float' folder in Fortran90. The dataset contains segmented frames of each mono and bidisperse experiment, along with the scripts required to obtain them and calculate the macroscopic crystallization indicator. To perform these tasks, please follow the steps below. We also provide spatiotemporal diagrams of selected experiments, a summary of metric data from all the experiments, and videos showcasing samples of each type of bed.
Steps to reproduce
1. With MATLAB 2020 or higher, open the file "Matlab_Tracking_n_Detection.m" and run the line with the "habdirfunc()" command. This will enable all the pre-implemented functions to work. 2. Split the video into frames using either ffmpeg or the MATLAB function "convert_video_n_frames.m". 3. Once "habdirfunc" is available, right-click and open "set_prm_circle_detec()" and execute the code by blocks using the Ctrl+Enter command. Pay attention when selecting the ROI and background. 4. Open the code "detectar_circulo.m" and run it. 5. Perform tracking by running the function "tracking_hungarianmunkre_kalmanfilter_v003()". 6. Calculate the particle's kinematics in Eulerian and Lagrangian frames by executing "build_velocfield_dat()". To obtain data: 1. Go to the "Resultados/Plug_Det" folder and execute the following files in order: a) "whpackest.m", b) "proc.m", c) "plugs.m", d) any plot script to generate the desired output. 2. To calculate $\phi_{float}$, copy the "LinePacking" folder as "Packing" to the "phi_float_" folder (either "monodisp" or "bidisp" depending on the bed type) and execute the file "./auto" in the terminal. If it is not executable, use the command "[{sudo} chmod +x auto]" to make it executable. 3. There are also scripts available to plot the $\phi_{float}$ parameter in both gnuplot + LaTeX or MATLAB. 4. To calculate granular temperature and spatiotemporal diagrams, execute the respective files and plot them in the corresponding folder.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
2018/14981-7, 2020/00221-0, 2022/01758- 3