ATR restrains DNA synthesis and mitotic catastrophe in response to CDC7 inhibition. Rainey et al

Published: 19 August 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mk7z7st438.1
Michael Rainey


Background: CDC7 kinase is required for activation of licensed origins of replication during the process of DNA duplication. CDC7 kinase inhibitors interfere with this process, limiting both DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. Aim: Identify genes responsible for limiting cell proliferation in response to inhibition of CDC7 using small molecule ATP-competitive inhibitors. Strategy: A CRISPR/Cas9 loss of function screen was performed to identify genes that upon loss allow bypass of a proliferation blockade imposed by the CDC7 inhibitor, XL413. Data: Represents source data for main figures and supplemental items in support of the Manuscript 'ATR restrains DNA synthesis and mitotic catastrophe in response to CDC7 inhibition', Rainey et al. Data collection, interpretation and findings are addressed in the manuscript.



National University of Ireland Galway


Cancer, DNA Replication, Cell Signaling, Genetic Screening
