Water Quality Datasets & Models for Nationwide Surface Waters

Published: 18 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mkf3xkfwtm.1
Daniela Correa


This repository contains the datasets, models, and code necessary to reproduce the methods related to water quality of my Master's hesis. The Thesis can be found here -> http://hdl.handle.net/1992/54564 These contents are also found in the following peer reviewed publication, currently under review: Correa-Caselles,D., Camacho L.A. & Fernandez, N. (2024). A Modeling Framework to Estimate the Transport and Fate of Mercury in Nationwide Surface Waters. Water. Under review (submitted on November, 2024).


Steps to reproduce

The repository is organized according to the following description: ▪ Folder 1 (1InfoSetup): This folder contains all the raw data along with the suggested preprocessing codes to obtain the necessary information for the following modules. ▪ Folder 2 (2WaterQuality): This folder contains all the python codes related with steady state ADZ model, the corresponding data, results and QGIS projects. - In Subfolder 1 (PhytonCodes): The code "1ConvConst" correspont to the ADZ model for domestic pollutants (eg. Nutrients, BOD, Pathogens) . The code "2Metals" correspont to the ADZ model for Mercury Pollution and Solids. ▪ Folder 3 (Priorization): This folder contains the codes related to determine investment priorization and mine impact along with results.


Universidad de los Andes


Mercury, Water Pollution, Water Quality Assessment, Gold Mining


Universidad de Los Andes
