Electric behavior of ZnO thin films
Published: 9 January 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mkj34n4fpd.1
Adolfo MeloDescription
Figure 6: (a) Characteristic I-V behavior as a function of time with a sweep range between 4 and -4 V of the Al–ZnO(15 min)/ZnO(100 min)/ITO/glass sample (ZA1). (b) Conventional I-V curve (pinched hysteresis). Both measurements, (a) and (b), were performed at a frequency of 20 Hz. The inset in (a) represents the conventional I-V curve and arrows indicate the transition direction between conductive states. The inset in (b) illustrates a zoom-in between 4 and -4 V excluding the breakdown curve (blue line).
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Physics, Thin Film, Resistance (Fungal Pathogenesis)