New version of ZKCM, a C++ multiprecision matrix library usable for numerical studies of quantum information

Published: 5 March 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mkpzd9drkt.1


Recent improvements in the ZKCM and ZKCM_QC libraries are presented in this announcement. ZKCM was released as a C++ library for multiprecision matrix computation and ZKCM_QC was developed as its extension for matrix-product-state (MPS) simulation of quantum circuits. Their parallel processing extensions using OpenMP and CUDA were briefly reported in a previous contribution [A. SaiToh, to appear in Proc. CCP2023]. Here, their most recent developments are reported, which include the employments of advanced FFT and Moore-Penrose inverse routines. The previous version of this program (AEPI_v1_0) may be found here



Computational Physics, Matrix Computation, Quantum Information
