Diagenetic features observed within Vera Rubin ridge, Gale crater, Mars
Purpose: This data documents various small-scale features that were observed along the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover's traverse across Vera Rubin Ridge. The majority of these features were determined to be a result of diagenesis. This data was created by analyzing images taken by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) between sols 1734 and 2258 (Edgett et al., 2015a,b). During this time period, Curiosity was traversing across Vera Rubin ridge. For each rock target (158 total), we analyzed the associated MAHLI images (Edgett et al., 2015a,b) and noted whether certain features were present or absent. The resulting data is reported in Table 1. Additionally, in Supplementary Table 1 we reorganize the data presented in Table 1 to show the amount of diagenetic features observed within each stratigraphic member. Table 1: For each target we include: the sol the data was taken, the elevation of the target, the stratigraphic member the target belongs to (Edgar et al., 2020), the presence ("X") or absence (empty cell) of several features (continuous laminations, nodules and/or concretions, light toned crystal psuedomorphs, mixed tone crystal psuedomorphs, star-shaped pits, dark gray surface features, dark gray vein associated features, dark gray fracture embedded features, and dark gray prismatic features), the color of the target, whether the Dust Removal Tool created scratches in the target, grain size estimates for a subset of the targets (Rivera-Hernandez et al., 2020a,b), and comments. Supplementary Table 1: Survey of fine-scale features organized by stratigraphic member and reported as a percentage of total number of targets for each member. (i.e. in the Red Jura, 12 out of 30 targets exhibited uninterrupted, continuous laminations, reported as 40%).