Data for: Women's Political Participation and Intrahousehold Empowerment: Evidence from the Egyptian Arab Spring
Published: 9 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mktjr43v54.1
Olivier Bargain, Hugues Champeaux, Delphine BoutinDescription
This directory contains replication material for the article "Women's Political Participation and Intrahousehold Empowerment: Evidence from the Egyptian Arab Spring". It includes: - The STATA do file “” which produces tables of estimates (the path and relevant user just need to be indicated at the top of the dofile) - The usable datasets: “women_n2008-2014.dta” for main estimations (excluding border governorates), “women_n2000-2008.dta” for placebo checks, and “women_n_allgov2008-2014.dta” for sample with border governorates of Egypt. Source data can be made available upon authorization of data provides and the authors can provide dofile for the generation of usable datasets.