Data for: Secondary metabolites from lichen as potent inhibitors of advanced glycation end products and vasodilative agents

Published: 29 October 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mm5h9fj4wt.1
Andreas Schinkovitz, Sophie Tomasi, Hermann Stuppner, Martin Zehl, Nathalie Jäger, Brigitte Kopp, Séverine DERBRE, Ernst Urban, Emilie Vessieres, Patricia Blanchard, Denis SERAPHIN, Joel Boustie, pascal richomme, Daniel Henrion, Dimitri Breard, Isabelle Baglin, Sangeetha-Laura Thirumaran, Marie-Chistine Aumond, Amandeep Kaur, Pierre Le Pogam, Stefanie Hofer


This file contains supplementary material such as raw data for some of the experiments (vasoldilation assay). It further contains structural information and a synthetic protocol of compounds 38-42



Bioassay, Synthesis, Structure Elucidation
