Genetic background and thermal environment differentially influence the ontogeny of immune components during early life in an ectothermic vertebrate

Published: 21 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mmc3whj2dz.1
Maria G. Palacios, Eric Gangloff, Dawn Reding, Anne Bronikowski


"Palaciosetal2020_MainImmuneDataset.csv" Data on immune parameters and measures of morphology in garter snakes (Thamnophis elegans). Ecotype: Life-history ecotype of snake (genetic background): M-slow (M) or L-fast (L) Population: Three-letter code for population of origin Litter: Identification number for each litter born (2010 captive snake Cohort) Baby: Identification number of each snake within a litter BabyID: Individual snake identification; combination of Litter and Baby numbers Treatment: Thermal treatment each snake was raised under: Warm (A) or Cool (B) Sex: Male (M) or Female (F) Age: Stage/Age of sampling: Neonate/3-month olds (1) or Juvenile/12-month olds (2) SVL: Snout-to-vent length in millimeters Mass: Mass in grams LPSSI: LPS Stimulation Index (unitless); measure of in vitro proliferation of B-lymphocytes ConASI: ConA Stimulation Index (unitless); measure of in vitro proliferation of T-lymphocytes NAbs: Natural Antibodies (titer); from hemagglutination-hemolysis assay Lysis: Complement-mediated lysis (titer); from hemagglutination-hemolysis assay TotWBC: Total leukocyte count (cells/µl); from hemocytometer counts PctL: Percentage of Lymphocytes; from blood smears * PctH: Percentage of Heterophils; from blood smears * PctB: Percentage of Basophils; from blood smears * PctM: Percentage of Monocytes; from blood smears * Totlym: Total lymphocyte count (cells/µl); calculated as product of TotWBC and PctL * Non-integer counts result from having counted more than 100 cells and then adjusting to obtain percentages. "Palaciosetal2020_PathAnalysisData.csv" Data on growth and development of immune parameters in garter snakes (Thamnophis elegans). Ecotype: Life-history ecotype of snake (genetic background): M-slow (M) or L-fast (L) BabyID: Individual snake identification; combination of Litter and Baby numbers. Treatment: Thermal treatment each snake was raised under: Warm (A) or Cool (B) FoodConsumed: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) mass of food consumed (g) between measures Growth: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) growth (change in SVL in mm) between measures changecorrectedConASI: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) change in ConASI between measures, corrected for Totlym changeLysis: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) change in Lysis (titer) between measures changeNAbs: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) change in NAbs (titer) between measures changecorrectedLPSSI: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) change in LPSSI between measures, corrected for Totlym changeTotWBC: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) change in Total leukocyte count (cells/µl) between measures changepctL: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) change in Pct of Lymphocytes between measures changepctH: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) change in Pct of Heterophils between measures changepctB: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) change in Pct of Basophils between measures changepctM: Z-transformed (within Ecotype) change in Pct Monocytes between measures



Immunology, Evolutionary Ecology, Animal Physiological Ecology
