Testing the causal effects of neighbourhood identifcation and neighbourhood SES on mental health.
An experimental design was used to test the casual effects of neighbourhood identification (NI) and neighbourhood SES (NSES) on mental health. This was a follow-up study to a cross-sectional study using population data. The aim of this study was to replicate our Study 1 results using experimental data, in order to examine the directionality of relationships in a hypothesized Dual Effects of Neighbourhood Identification Model (DENIM). Apart from our main outcome variable of interest, mental health, we included other dependent variables as exploratory measures. Within this hypothesized DENIM, we had three key predictions: (a) in line with previous studies, perceived neighbourhood quality (PNQ) was the means through which, neighbourhood SES (NSES) has an effect on outcomes (H1); (b) neighbourhood identification (NI) moderated the relationship between NSES and PNQ (H2); and (c) NI had a direct positive effect on outcomes (H3). We expected these outcomes to be determined by the DENIM, given that previous studies have found positive associations between PNQ with collective efficacy (Stockdale et al., 2007), community participation (Geis & Ross, 1998), perceived neighbourhood safety (Hur & Nasar, 2014) and neighbourhood satisfaction (Honold, Beyer, Lakes & van der Meer, 2012). Participants N=280, UK residents recruited from www.prolific.ac.uk For Results, see Study2_SupplementaryResults.PDF
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For study design, materials and procedure see study2_materials.pdf