Normative benchmarks for the Timed Up and Go Test among typically developing and overweight schoolchildren.
Postural control encompasses the body's ability to maintain stability during various tasks by integrating motor responses and sensory inputs like vision, vestibular, and somatosensory systems. It is essential for equilibrium, which is crucial for daily activities such as walking. Childhood obesity can affect motor skills and balance, impacting physical activity engagement. Studies have shown that while obesity may hinder balance, there are complex correlations influenced by factors like gender and adolescence stage. Childhood obesity rates have been rising globally, emphasizing the need for interventions. The Timed Up and Go (TUG) test is a commonly used assessment for mobility and balance, providing valuable insights into fall risk and functional mobility across diverse populations. Despite its reliability, there is a lack of research on its use in children with varying body compositions. This study aimed to fill this gap by establishing reference values for the TUG test in normal and overweight children aged 5 to 15 years.