Dibbler raw microsatellite genotype
20 Microsatellite loci of dibbler (Parantechinus apicalis) published in the paper 'Thavornkanlapachai, R.; Mills, H.R.; Ottewell, K.; Friend, J.A.; Kennington, W.J. Temporal variation in the genetic composition of an endangered marsupial reflects reintroduction history, Diversity, Under Review.' The aim of the paper to assess reintroduction outcomes at the Peniup Nature Reserve sourcing from multiple source populations in the Fitzgerald River National Park in Western Australia. The released animals were captive bred at Perth Zoo and were released over multiple years between 2001-2010. The founders of the captive populations were collected from the western (Twertup) and eastern (Hamersley Moir and Moir Track) side of Fitzgerald River National Park. The source and reintroduced populations were also undergone regular monitoring over multiple years. This data contains columns of year of collection, population names, lab ID which contains sex information and genotype scores. Missing genotype is labelled as zero.
Steps to reproduce
DNA extraction and PCR conditions are described in 'Thavornkanlapachai, R.; Kennington, W.J.; Ottewell, K.; Friend, J.A.; Mills, H.R. Dispersal, philopatry and population genetic structure of the mainland dibbler, Parantechinus apicalis. Conserv. Genet. 2019, 20, 1087–1099, doi:10.1007/s10592-019-01196-y.' and 'Thavornkanlapachai, R.; Mills, H.R.; Ottewell, K.; Friend, J.A.; Kennington, W.J. Temporal variation in the genetic composition of an endangered marsupial reflects reintroduction history, Diversity, Under Review.'