Constructive and Destructive Leadership of Education Institution: How Come (Pandemic Education could be reflected from the Discussion)

Published: 5 January 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/msf2xzrmyb.1
thobias sarbunan


Talking about leadership is never-ending; why I said this, leadership can be said to be a 'taboo' subject that is very sensitive to 'a individual also a group that has a reasonably close relationship with a leader.' The 'groups even people' who were specifically engaged by a social cause, such as 'a shared collective affiliation' with a leader, were likely to be 'back-up' when a leader carried out an unacceptable style of leadership, which was often impacted by a similar goal and interest between the leader and the society that supported him. It is also possible to effect the clashes between the individual or the group arguing in an unacceptable manner triggered by the leader and to waver to internal conflict in the workplace for as long as possible; in comparison, the direct and substantial effect of the organisation's system often has on the performance of the organisation. Moreover, such pandemic education makes it difficult for any educational culture and climate to undertake a teaching and learning process, as a result of which a leadership style is seen to be taking place in harmony, so that a good environment for pandemic education is theoretically viewed. In addition, both constructive and destructive better than communicated in the on-going process, so all education stakeholders, including the education society, will be able to understand where an unacceptable style of leadership has arisen in the workplace. Once again, through this discussion, the goal was to enrich awareness with the topic of constructive and destructive leadership in education, and thus, as an education community, any potential for progress can be important in the future, where a leader practices a style of harmony and synergizes with all the staff. Keywords: Constructive and Destructive Style, Education Leadership, Leader, Leadership, Relationship to Leadership in the Midst of Pandemic


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Universitas Negeri Jakarta


