Data File 1.15 with descriptives
Published: 16 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/msfp8h2nb8.1
Muhammad Khurram ShahzadDescription
Data was collected through survey questionnaires from national and multinational pharmaceutical firms in Pakistan. These firms are directly involved in manufacturing drug formulations, tablets, capsules, syrups and injectables. We selected the pharmaceutical industry for data collection for many reasons. For instance, in the pharmaceutical sector, MNCsincreasedtheirmarketsizeinPakistanfrom100.2billionUSdollarsinthefirstquarter of 2016 to 143.2 billion US dollars by the end of the first quarter of 2020. In contrast, it also fetched $1.3 million worth of foreign direct investment in April 2020.