Invasion through the amphibian trade: a comparative and unifying framework for species assignments of cryptic brown frogs

Published: 27 September 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mtd4yszp3d.1


Wildlife trade drives the introduction pathway for biological invasions worldwide, a process that is hidden on alien species with undefined phenotypical variations and ecologically comparable to the native community. To confront this catastrophe issue, we designated a comparative morphometry and a barcode based-species delimitation framework that help accurately identify cryptic phenotypic species on a large-scale species assignments. We incorporated meta-analyses, comparative morphometry, species delimitation modelling and phylogeography to infer the crypticity in phenotypic and genetic among the brown frogs (Rana spp.) imported to the Republic of Korea from China under the epithet ‘R. huanrenensis’ and ‘Rana dybowskii’.


Steps to reproduce

1. R scripts for statistical analyses related to comparative morphometric. R scripts to run homogeneity test of variance and PCAs between museum and trade datasets. 2. XML codes to run BEAST, intended for a reconstruction of calibrated species tree and molecular dating estimation for sGMYC species delimitation tree 3. XML codes for BEAST, intended for comparative species modelling with BFD and path sampling methods for each species assignment using DNA sequence test.


Ewha Womans University


Amphibians, Cryptic Species, Biological Invasion, Trade, Species Identification
