Maps of Projected Shoreline Change with Sea Level Rise for the State of Hawaii Maui County Coastal Roads Report
This database consists of maps at both road and beach scales showing estimates for the change in position of Maui County sandy shorelines caused by sea-level rise (SLR) of + 0.5, 1.1, 2.0, and 3.2 feet. Individual maps show perpendicular measurement axes and lines of predicted shoreline positions at CRESI transect start points along Maui County roads on the islands of Maui and Molokai, identified for their vulnerability to the effects of climate change as part of the State of Hawaii Maui County Coastal Road Report (Francis et al., 2024b). Transects are identified by Francis et al. (2024a). Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) state routes and Maui County roads datasets are acquired from HDOT (2023) and MC (2022). Projected vegetation lines (long-lasting markers of the shoreline) are determined and reported by the Hawaii Coastal Geology Group (HCGG) in Anderson et al. (2018). Rates of projected erosion are determined as a mean value of rates along the measurement axis (magenta line) from the 2008 vegetation line (blue) to subsequent SLR vegetation lines (red, orange, yellow, and green). Dates for SLR elevations are reported by Francis et al. (2024b) following the intermediate-high scenario proposed by Sweet et al. (2022), as 2021 for 0.5 ft of SLR, 2033 for 1.1 ft of SLR, 2051 for 2.0 ft of SLR, and 2071 for 3.2 ft of SLR. Details of the data sources and methods can be found in the "Maps of Projected Shoreline Change-README.docx" References cited in this description can be found in the "Description References-README.docx"