Published: 31 July 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/mtvfdwm3dt.2


The data presents the learning styles of elementary school students in the province of DIY. The total number of participants was 992 elementary school students in grades 4-5 in five districts in DIY. Participants were sampled from two types of school systems being non-religious schools and religious school. The data collection method uses an open questionnaire to see three aspects of learning styles, namely visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Analysis of the data can provide insight into the types of learning styles so that it is beneficial for teachers to choose the right learning strategy. This data can also be used as a reference in developing student learning style interventions according to the type of learning.


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Some studies in the educational environment that intend to identify students’ learning styles found that students with a specific type of learning style show better performance because they are more active during the teaching and learning process. Other results indicated that students with appropriate learning styles tend to have better or higher levels of activity in the teaching and learning process. Many students prefer learning by utilizing their five senses. They like things in detail and want facts. They prefer everything to be arranged in an orderly manner; teaching is done in a structured step by step. Unlike intuitive learners, they are students who prefer to imagine and innovate. The most prominent types of sensory-based cognitive learning styles are VAK (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). Visual learning style characteristics are 1) organized and paying attention to everything and appearance; 2) remembering with pictures and prefer to read rather than listening to a reading; 3) requiring a comprehensive picture and purpose, capturing details, and remembering what is seen. Auditory learning style characteristics are 1) their attention is easily divided; 2) speaking in rhythmic patterns; and 3) learning by listening. The kinesthetic learning style characteristics are 1) touching people and standing close together, 2) learning by doing, pointing the letters while reading, and responding physically; and 3) remembering while walking and looking. This study used a survey with a quantitative approach. Data collected in Special Region of Yogyakarta spread in 5 districts, which are Yogyakarta, Bantul, Sleman, Kulon Progo, and Gunungkidul District. The population was 4th-grade and 5th-grade elementary school students (143.297 students). The stratified random sampling technique took the sample of 992 students. Data collection techniques were a questionnaire. It has been made by the grid, and tested for validity in advance through content validation with experts in FGD and construct validation. The questionnaire is used to identify the students' learning styles into three preference, i.e., visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Data analysis was carried out by descriptive statistics. The majority of elementary school students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, tend two combinations of learning styles, i.e., visual-kinesthetic (VK) and auditory-kinesthetic (AK). Therefore, the minority learning style is the learning style of three combinations, visual-auditory-kinesthetic (VAK). Learning styles can be used as a reference in determining and choosing the learning strategies that will be used. Therefore, teachers need to understand the characteristics of students' learning styles so that they can choose the right learning strategy. Selection of learning strategies can determine the level of students' involvement and learning success.


Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Analysis of Education
