Data on electric power for selected African Countries

Published: 21 May 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mv3pd64y86.1
Mark Agyei Sakyi


Annual data (covering 1990-2019) on domestic electricity consumption (ELC), renewable electric power generation (RELG), gross domestic product (GDP), and population,(TP) for Egypt, Algeria, South Africa, and Nigeria. ELC and RELG are measured in TWh, and TP and GDP are measured in million people and purchasing power parity constant 2017 international dollars, respectively. The file also contains data on electric power demand forecast and renewable electric power and transition pathways for each of the four countries.


Steps to reproduce

Data was extracted from Enerdata, World bank indicators, and IEA(International Energy Agency)


University of Electronic Science and Technology of China - Qingshuihe Campus


Energy Engineering, Machine Learning Algorithm, Renewable Energy, Volatility
