effect of Triticum aestivum on inflammatory factors during healing acetic acid induced colitis
4.1.Influence of Aqueous Extract of Triticum aestivum on Animal Weight Changes after induction of colitis The weight of rats was notably (p<0.05) lowered in the untreated group in comparison to control on day 3 after induction of colitis. The weight was substantively (p<0.05) elevated in animals treated with Triticum aestivum extract when stacked with the drug treated group on day 3. On day 14, extract and drug administration which exceptionally (p<0.05) lessened the weight of rats when liken with the untreated group, also decreased it in the control group (Table 3). 4.2. Colon Weight At 8cm Day 3 and Day 14 Post Colitis Induction after treatment of Triticum aestivum On day 3, the relative weight of the colon in the untreated, drug-treated, and extract-treated groups was remarkably (p<0.05) elevated when weighed up with the control. On day 14, groups had same observation; however, colon weight at 8cm on day 14 was substantively (p<0.05) lowered in the control, untreated and treated when liken with day 3. The mass/length ratio of colon was substantively (p<0.05) heightened in control when matched with the untreated group (p<0.05). A sufficient (p<0.05) decrease was observed in drug treated and the treated when placed side by side with the control models (Table 4). On day 14, there was a glaring (p<0.05) drop in the colon weight of the treated group when juxtaposed with the untreated and drug-treated groups. Colon relative weight on days 3 and 14 following treatment with Triticum aestivum extract There was an appreciable (p<0.05) rise in the relative colon weight in the untreated group when matched up with control on day 3 (Table 4). In the drug-treated group, a meaningful (p<0.05) increase was observed when stacked up with the control. A statistical (p<0.05) decrease in relative colon weight in treated was observed in comparison with the untreated and drug-treated group. 4.4.Stool Score Following Administration of Triticum aestivum Aqueous Extract Following colitis induction, the stool score was significantly (p<0.05) heightened in the untreated group when weighed up with control group. The stool score was sufficiently (p<0.05) elevated in the untreated group when matched with the control group, and decreased meaningfully (p<0.05) in the drug treated and the treated group when placed side by side with the untreated group on day 3. On day 14, the stool score decreased substantively (p<0.05) in treated group when weighed with the untreated and drug treated group. In both untreated and drug treated animals, the stool score increased significantly (p<0.05).
Steps to reproduce
2.1. Animals: The National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom, Jos, provided sixty male Wistar rats weighing 150± 26g. The animals were housed at Baze University Abuja's Faculty of Basic Medical Science, where they were acclimatized for two weeks and given unlimited feed and water. The animals were cared for in accordance with the National Institutes of Health's laboratory animal care guide (NIH Publications No. 8023, revised 1978). The Baze University Ethical committee for research and Review accepted the procedures and animal usage. Vital Feeds, which were acquired from an Abuja distributor and were fed under conventional laboratory settings of temperature (37.5-37.8oC), humidity (55-15%), and then divided into four groupings ; 1. Control : received water and normal rat pellets, 2. Untreated received rat pellets and water (experimentally induced ulcerative colitis without treatment), 3. Drug treated (administered mesalamine (400mg/kg) + induced ulcerative colitis 4. Treated (administered with 200mg/kg aqueous extract of tritium aestivum+ indued ulcerative colitis). 2.2. Plants collection and preparation :National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development in Abuja provided the Triticum aestivum. 500mg of seed was steeped for 48 hours in 5 liters of distilled water with regular shaking using an orbital shaker set to 3000rpm. To make an aqueous solution, the resulting solution was filtered and evaporated. 100ml distilled water was used to dilute the aqueous extract. 2.3. Chemicals and reagents: Buffer of phosphate, Mesalamine (Neman Global Impex PvT LTD), Ketamine (900-B-2370 Arendonk, Belgium), thiobarbituric acid (TBA), Concentrated HRP Conjugate, Concentrated Wash Buffer, Substrate Reagent, Protein Precipitation Reagent, GSH dilution buffer 2.4. Experimental protocol Following acclimatization, the rats were given ketamine (60 mg/kg IP) and a cannula was inserted into the colon near the anal canal to infuse 1.5ml of 6% acetic acid, which caused colitis, which was verified by bloodstains in stool counts. Mesalamine and Triticum aestivum were given consistently for the length of the trial before the development of colitis. 2.5. STOOL SCORING: The presence of blood or pus in the stool, as well as diarrhea, are the major signs of UC (Dignass et al., 2012). This is characterized by regular bouts of blood/pus in the stool lasting one to seven weeks (Binder, 1982).