Influence of The Inclusion of Off-Nadir Images on UAV-Photogrammetry Projects from Nadir Images and AGL (Above Ground Level) or AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level) Flights
The data provided are those used for the development of the work 'Influence of The Inclusion of Off-Nadir Images on UAV-Photogrammetry Projects from Nadir Images and AGL (Above Ground Level) or AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level) Flights', published in the journal DRONES (mdpi). They are separated into four files: - The file ‘STUDY AREA CONTOUR.dxf’. is the contour of the study area in vector dxf format. It can be used to cut out the point cloud generated in each of the photogrammetric projects carried out. - The file ‘TLS REFERENCE CLOUD.las’. Contains the X,Y,Z coordinates of the 3D point cloud used as reference, obtained with a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS), in las format. - The file 'photogrammetry projects GCPs.txt' contains the X,Y,Z coordinatas of the eight ground control points (GCPs), used for the georeferencing of the photogrammetric projects. The first column is the label of each point. - The compressed file ‘’ contains the images used to carry out each of the projects carried out in this work. When unzipped, a folder with 10 subfolders will appear: 1. '0_AGL_90_70'. Contains 135 images taken with the UAV in Avobe Ground Level flight mode. Frotal overlap: 90%. Side overlap: 70%.Camera orientation: nadir. 2. '0_AMSL_90_70'. Contains 118 images taken with the UAV in Avobe Mean Sea Level flight mode. Frotal overlap: 90%. Side overlap: 70%.Camera orientation: nadir. 3. 'A-CROSS', oblique images formed a cross centered in the study area with one flight path in the NS direction and the other in the EW direction. Four subfolders: 3.1. 'A-CROSS-11' 3.2. 'A-CROSS-22' 3.3. 'A-CROSS-33' 3.4. 'A-CROSS-45' 4. 'B-BOX EX', oblique images were arranged in a rectangular box around the study area and pointing towards the interior. Four subfolders: 4.1. 'B-BOX EX-11' 4.2. 'B-BOX EX-22' 4.3. 'B-BOX EX-33' 4.4. 'B-BOX EX-45' 5. 'B-BOX IN', oblique images were arranged in a rectangular box inside the study area and pointing to-wards the interior.Four subfolders: 5.1. 'C-BOX IN-11' 5.2. 'C-BOX IN-22' 5.3. 'C-BOX IN-33' 5.4. 'C-BOX IN-45' 6. 'D-B PLUS C'', combination of both interior and exterior rectangular boxes. Four subfolders: 6.1. 'D-11' 6.2. 'D-22' 6.3. 'D-33' 6.4. 'D-45' 7. 'E-CUR NS', oblique images were arranged in arcs on the E and W sides of the study area, so these curves ran from N to S. Four subfolders: 7.1. 'E-CUR NS-11' 7.2. 'E-CUR NS-22' 7.3. 'E-CUR NS-33' 7.4. 'E-CUR NS-45' 8. 'F-CUR EW', oblique images were arranged in arcs on the N and S sides of the study area, so these curves ran from E to W . Four subfolders: 8.1. 'F-CUR EW-11' 8.2. 'F-CUR EW-22' 8.3. 'F-CUR EW-33' 8.4. 'F-CUR EW-45' 9. 'G-E PLUS F', combination of both NS and EW curves. Four subfolders: 9.1. 'G-11' 9.2. 'G-22' 9.3. 'G-33' 9.4. 'G-45' In the names of the folders, 11, 22, 33 and 45 mean the angle of de camera.