
Published: 19 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mw3d8bynkc.1
Lucie Mathieu


The FC model is a program that calculates residual melt compositions by modeling the crystallization of user-defined minerals from a parental melt composition (referred to as ‘initial melt’ here). The user is required to set parameters described below to model the composition of the residual melt (referred to as ‘target’ melt here). In order to approximate the composition of a target melt, the user is encouraged to run several tests and to adjust parameters until modeling results satisfactorily reproduce the composition of the target melt. The program contains seven modules (.py files) and runs from module Code1CF_Main.


Steps to reproduce

Full description (steps and parameters included) will be available upon acceptance of the accompanying publication untitled 'Modelling the chemical heterogeneity of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite intrusive suites' by Lucie Mathieu


Igneous Petrology
