Deciphering Urban Heat Island Mitigation: A Comprehensive Analysis of Application Categories and Research Trends: Raw Data

Published: 4 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mwvf5vdj8b.1
Yinghong Qin,
, Mikhail Sheremet, Manuel Baro, Mohammad Ghalambaz


a search was conducted on the Web of Science (WoS) database using a specific search string, ((TS=("urban*")) AND TS=("heat* island*")) AND TS=("mitigat*"), limited to the timeframe of 1980 to 2022. The first search term, (TS=("urban*")), is a title search that retrieves records containing the word "urban" or any word beginning with "urban" in the title. The second search term, TS=("heat* island*"), is also a title search that retrieves records containing the words "heat," "island," or any word beginning with "heat" or "island" in the title. Finally, the third search term, TS=("mitigat*"), retrieves records containing the word "mitigation" or any word beginning with "mitigat" in the title. This search strategy is commonly used in scientometric research to yield a comprehensive set of records related to the topic.



Tomskij gosudarstvennyj universitet


Urban Heat Island Effect, Bibliometrics


Tomsk State University

