FIE East Jerusalem
***Student scores before and after intervention*** Authors: David Tzuriel, Shlomit Cohen, Haim Devisheim, Shahar Zaguri-Vittenberg, Rosalind Goldenberg. Research Department, Feuerstein Institute, Jerusalem. Corresponding Auther: S. Cohen. Contact Information: Feuerstein Institute – Research Department P.O. Box 7756 Narkis 47, Jerusalem 9107701 Israel. ***General Introduction*** This dataset contains data collected during the Feuerstein intervention in schools in East Jerusalem (2017-2018). It is being made public to act as supplementary data for publication. The data was collected at the school where the intervention took place, by the researchers from the Feuerstein Institute in Jerusalem. This research project was made possible by a donation from the Bader Philanthropies INC. ***Purpose of the research*** The purpose of this experiment was to investigate in effect of the Feuerstein intervention program on the students grades in school. ***Test Equipment*** All test were carried out in the school classrooms, via paper and pencil. ***Description of the data in this data set*** The data included in this data set is organized per student, and includes the grades on all tests performed. Pre = grades collected before intervention. Post = grades collected after intervention.