Life satisfaction, age, affluence, religion, educational attainment, and perceived stress_faculty of Masbate tertiary schools
The dataset aimed to test the hypothesis that age, affluence, religion, educational attainment, and perceived stress predict life satisfaction among faculty of Masbate tertiary schools. Data were gathered during the Covid-19 pandemic school year 2020-2021. It was hypothesized that the variables marital status (coded as dummy variables married and widow/ er, and being single not-coded), educational attainment (coded as dummy variables master’s degree holder and doctorate degree holder, and bachelor degree holder not-coded), religion (coded as Catholic or not), age, affluence, and stress would correlate significantly with the life satisfaction of the faculty of Masbate tertiary schools. The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient r of each variable was calculated to determine the relationship between the respondents’ married status (M = .40, SD = 4.92), widow/ er status (M = .02, SD = 1.51), masters’ degree holder educational attainment (M = .18, SD = 3.89), doctorate degree holder educational attainment (M = .06, SD = 2.41), Catholic religion (M = .71, SD = .457), age (M = .32.69, SD = 10.287), affluence (M = 4.0077, SD = .2.06295), and stress (M = 37.1308, SD = 7.83194), and their life satisfaction (M = 24.2538, SD = 5.41074). The correlation was significantly found at r = 0.230* for married marital status, r = .319* for age, and r = -0.256* for stress, however, these are all in the moderate level. Hence, there is a significant moderate relationship between the life satisfaction and married marital status, and between life satisfaction and age, which may imply that as the marital status is married compared to being single or widow/ er, the life satisfaction will also be high, and that as a faculty gets older, his/ her life satisfaction also increases. Meanwhile, a significant inverse, moderate relationship exists with life satisfaction and stress, which may imply that as a faculty perceives higher stress, the life satisfaction may have the tendency to get low. The three variables of married marital status, age, and stress may be the predictors of the life satisfaction of the respondents. Linear regression could be performed to determine which are the predictors of life satisfaction.