Immature stages of Aedes albopictus in Yucatan, Mexico

Published: 22 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mxw6w7bn8c.1
Carlos M Baak-Baak,


The study evaluated the seasonality and bioclimatic conditions necessary for Ae. albopictus' survival in a low-deciduous forest. The majority of the containers that were infested with immature organisms were categorized as large, with a capacity of 10 liters. These containers had organic matter that was classified as low to medium, and the water inside them had a light to semi-dark color. They were placed below the Alvaradoa amorphoides and Bromelia karatas trees. At the same time, the population of Ae. albopictus decreased because predators such as amphibian larvae and Toxorhynchites moctezuma were present in the containers. The results suggest that the Asian mosquito is established in the forest area where the study was carried out. Aedes albopictus is considered a bridge species that can disperse from natural areas to human settlements. Therefore, it is important to target wild populations, which can infest homes.


Steps to reproduce

Immature mosquitoes from artificial containers were collected using nets, turkey basters, and pipettes, placed into plastic containers that were labeled with the collection date, study site, and sample identification number, and transported to the Laboratorio de Arbovirología at the Universidad Autonoma de Yucatán. A portion of the larvae were killed in hot water (60°C) and mounted on microscope slides in Euparal (BioQuipt, Galveston, TX). The remaining larvae were individually reared into adults and identified by species level. Taxonomic keys were used to identify species. A positive hatchery was defined as one where at least one larva or pupa was observed in the artificial container. The amount of organic matter (low, medium, and high) and the water color (dark water, semi-dark, and light-colored) were subjectively classified. The organic matter was made up of arthropod detritus, fruits, seeds, and leaves of plants and trees. The size of the container was classified as small (1 L) or large (> 10 L); the season was classified as dry or rainy; and finally, the containers with predators (larvae of amphibians and Toxorhynchites moctezuma) and without predators (negative) were recorded.


Centro de Investigaciones Regionales Dr Hideyo Noguchi


Life Sciences
