Code for the cluster dichotomy model
The stability of colloid is closely related to the aggregation of colloidal particles and the dispersion of clusters in the system. Because aggregation changes the original state of the sol, previous studies have paid more attention to the aggregation process of the colloid. In fact, aggregation process and dispersion process coexist. The Cluster-Cluster Aggregation model has been widely used to simulate the process of colloidal agglomeration. In the aspect of cluster dispersion, people pay more attention to the simulation of cluster dispersion caused by external forces (such as shear force). In the actual system, the sudden decrease of electrolyte concentration leads to the increase of electrostatic repulsion between colloidal particles, resulting in the disintegration of the clusters. Inspired by the dimerization process of the traditional Cluster-Cluster Aggregation model, we previously proposed a dichotomy model to simulate the dispersion process of colloidal clusters. Here, we provide Java code for the dichotomy model, which can simulate dispersion caused by external forces and internal forces. This paper further elaborates the key points of the dichotomy model, mainly including: the definitions of the relevant probabilities involved in the dichotomy model, the data structures of particle, cluster and cube, and the functions of the relevant parameters related to the dichotomy model. Furthermore, the cluster's characteristics of erosion dispersion and collapse dispersion are studied respectively.