Network dataset of the Afrikaans film industry (1916–2016)

Published: 15 June 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/mzsc9c4yk5.1
Burgert Senekal, Corrie Geldenhuys


The dataset includes all role players listed at the end credits of all full-length Afrikaans feature films (excluding short films and documentaries) released within the first century of the Afrikaans film industry (1916-2016). The nodes table includes the type of node (film or person) and, in the case of films, also the release date. The edges table includes the person, the film to which the person made a contribution, the date of the contribution (identical to the release date of the film), the type of contribution (acting or production), as well as the detailed contribution (e.g. colour grading, editing or camerawork). The dataset allows for the construction of a bipartite network, which can be filtered to be a film-actor network or film-production crew network, or the entire industry, and by including dates, the network can be constructed as a dynamic network. This dataset is the most comprehensive dataset on the Afrikaans film industry, since it was compiled using the films themselves.



Social Network Analysis, Network Analysis, Social Network
