Real life data for operating room scheduling problem
Published: 6 July 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/n2v49z2vnp.2
Babak Akbarzadeh, Description
This data is captured from OR log in Gent UZ during May 2017. The data is in HTML Format. It starts with a visual description of the waiting list. The rest of the data is encapsulated in the related object (e.g. patient, surgeon, ...). For validation dataset, we have created two different datasets containing 40 instances captured from the operating room log in 2021. Please find the related dataset below in the related link section. The information related to the MIP models, setting description, and experiments are reported in a paper, A study on policy decisions to embed flexibility for reactive recovery in the planning and scheduling in operating rooms, currently under revision Journal OMEGA
Universiteit Gent
Operating Room Management