Battery aging datasets for "Increasing generalization capability of battery health estimation using continual learning approach"

Published: 24 September 2024| Version 7 | DOI: 10.17632/n3b54nsw8m.7
Yunhong Che


These datasets contain different battery types (pouch and prismatic) that have been aged at various temperatures and loading profiles. The partial Q curves during charging and capacities are provided. Please cite our paper "Increasing generalization capability of battery health estimation using continual learning approach" if use these datasets. Please note the charge capacity in the datasets is the amount for the ampere-hour throughput in charging mode, which means the capacity in Dataset1 is accounted for with also the charging pulses in dynamic discharging. The charge capacity and discharge capacity are recorded by Neware battery tester. Therefore, it represents the total charging amount during each full charge-discharge cycle. The SOH curves are normalized by the charge capacity for verification in this work. For capacity estimation, we will provide the capacity purely during the charging process in future works.



Chongqing University, Aalborg Universitet


Lithium Battery
