6-dof strong ground motion data records from Kefalonia Island (November 8th 2014, MMI = VII and November 17th 2015, MMI = V)
Two the strongest 6-dof ground motion records from Perron et al. (https://doi.org/10.1785/0220170125) dataset. The records have been obtained at ROAN site (vs,30 = 250 m/s) on Kefalonia Island in Greece. Event "20141108_231542" from November 8th 2014. Epicentral distance 9.2 km (source depth 18.4 km). Modified Intensity VII, PGVhor = 18.4 cm/s. Event "20151117_071007" from November 17th 2015. Epicentral distance 56.23 km (source depth 10.7 km). Modified Intensity V, PGVhor = 14.6 cm/s. Original records were truncated and detrended. Rotational accelerations were obtained from original rotation rates of the 'R1' sensor by numerical differentiations. The plus signs of translational components are toward the North (N-S component), toward the East (E-W component), Up (Z component) Rotational components plus signs are accordingly with right-hand rule. Analyses on the two records can be found in the paper by Bonkowski et al. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.10.026) When the results are used in future publications please quote the above publication together with: Perron V, Hollender F, Mariscal A, Theodoulidis N, Andreou C, Bard P-Y, et al. Accelerometer, Velocimeter Dense‐Array, and Rotation Sensor Datasets from the Sinaps@ Postseismic Survey (Cephalonia 2014–2015 Aftershock Sequence). Seismological Reseach Letters, 2018, vol.89, pp.678–87 doi:10.1785/0220170125. Where more information can be found.