Multidirectional static balance test-retest reliability by sensamove sensbalance amongst healthy young adults
Sensamove Balance Test Pro with Miniboard, is a device which can be used in balance testing, training and evaluating components of balance control mechanism. It’s a wobble board with built-in sensor and anti-slip 10 degrees tilting pad. The data storage and processing is done through Pedalo® -Sensamove-Balance-Test Pro software in a computer. The device can be used to assess reaction time and proprioception as well. The ultimate goal of this research is to assess the effectiveness of SENSAMOVE among the younger adult community by providing balance training and improving their Qol. A pilot study was done with 20 participants according to the inclusion criteria. Data was taken twice with the gap of 48 hours and result was obtained by entering the data in the SPSS software. there are less studies done in sensamove sensbalance . the mean value of both the trials was obtained. test retest reliability was identified and shapiro wilk test was applied.