Data for: A new model of alite hydration during the first day

Published: 25 September 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n482g7sjgb.1
Alexandre Ouzia, Karen Scrivener


The code can be copied and pasted in matlab [75] or octave [76] and will in return directly plot figure 11 right. The structure is the following: - First the user must write its input parameters. Unless the user need to change the fine details of the code it is the only place that need to be changed to simulate all the plots of the article - The second section deals with the definition of all the variables - The third section deals with the calculation of the volume of CSH - The fourth one calculates the DoH, Heat flow and critical radius from the volume of CSH - Finally, figures are plotted. Comments are already included that help to understand its structure. The associated files are the input PSD and experimental calorimetry curve from Bazzoni herself. They must be saved in the same folder as the code and be named “Bazzoni_PSD.csv” and “Bazzoni_Calo.csv”. If it does not work, try replacing all the commas of these file by semicolon (Windows default software “Notepad” and Mac “TextEdit” can do that automatically).



Cement Hydration, Modelling
