Heart failure represents a significant global health challenge, with an increasing prevalence of 0.6% annually. Home management of the disease can be daunting, especially following a hospitalization, when patients may encounter difficulties in adjusting their lifestyle to comply with the recommendations provided. Indeed, poor treatment adherence and lack of self-care behaviors are important factors contributing to hospital readmissions. A nurse-led telephone supportive intervention may help patients and their caregivers improve their self-care capabilities and prevent acute decompensation. Similarly, non-invasive home telemonitoring is another potentially beneficial strategy in reducing hospital readmissions. Healthcare professionals remotely monitor individuals' vital signs, enabling timely detection and management of exacerbation episodes. However, evidence for its effectiveness is inconsistent, partly due to high heterogeneity across studies in patient acuity, educational support provided, follow-up durations, and technology used, Consistent with the recommendation of the Medical Research Council, conducting a feasibility study is a crucial step in designing a definitive trial to maximize the benefits of interventions.