Code and example data for fitting density-yield functions for carbon stocks or biodiversity and agricultural yields

Published: 31 July 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n5fb8k259n.1
David Williams, Anthony Lamb, Ben Phalan, Rhys Green, Claire Feniuk, Andrew Balmford


These data and the accompanying R script were used in the analysis for Williams et al (2018) Carbon storage and land-use strategies in agricultural landscapes across three continents Current Biology The script fits two forms of density-yield curves to the data, describing how aboveground carbon stocks vary with changes in agricultural yield. It then allows users to choose between the curves based on log-likelihood, as well as plotting the curves and constraining fits if necessary. The same method can be used for species population densities (see e.g. Green et al 2005 Science; Phalan et al 2011 Science; Kamp et al 2015 J App. Eco).


Steps to reproduce

The R script should be self-contained (please contact David Williams if not) and relies on few packages. Detailed descriptions of the data collection are described in the accompanying paper: Williams et al (2018) Carbon storage and land-use strategies in agricultural landscapes across three continents Current Biology


University of Cambridge Department of Zoology, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, University of California Santa Barbara David Bren School of Environmental Science and Management


Conservation, Land Use Change, Sustainable Agriculture, Carbon Storage, Land Use
