Bangladesh Public Opinion Survey Results 2009 - 2023

Published: 5 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n5gtr94h74.1
, Ronan Lee


Dataset created from publicly available opinion surveys about attitudes to domestic political matters in Bangladesh published by Prothom Alo newspaper (2009-2013) and International Republican Institute (2014-2023). We translated Prothom Alo's opinon surveys which were originally published in Bengali.


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Source data is publicly available in Prothom Alo newspapers (2009-2013) and from the International Republican Institute (2014-2023). Sources: International Republican Institute (2014a, February 10). IRI Poll: Majority of Bangladeshis Believe Country Is Headed in Wrong Direction; Non-Participatory Elections Fall Short of Public Expectations. (2014b, November 21). IRI Survey: In Bangladesh, National Indicators Show Sharp Partisan Divisions. (2015, September 2). IRI Bangladesh Survey: Support for Government Growing; Corruption a Dominant Concern. (2016a, March 31). IRI’s Center for Insights Poll: Economic and Security Concerns Cloud Otherwise Optimistic Bangladeshi Outlook. (2016b, January 25). IRI’s Center for Insights Poll: Optimism Growing for Bangladesh’s Economic Future. (2017, August 30). New Poll: Bangladeshis Optimistic for the Future; Support More Inclusive Government. (2018, April 26). National Survey of Bangladeshi Public Opinion: April 10 – May 21, 2018.. (2020, January 8). Bangladesh Poll: Support for Government Rebounds, Concerns over Corruption, Economic Inequality Persist. (2023b, August 8). National Survey of Bangladesh: March-April 2023. Prothom Alo (2010, January 6). Prothom Alo public opinion poll 2009. Prothom Alo, 9. (2011, January 6). Prothom Alo public opinion poll 2010. Prothom Alo, Special Supplement, 1-8. (2012, January 6). Prothom Alo-ORG Quest Research Limited-conducted public opinion poll 2011. Prothom Alo, Special Supplement, 1-4. (2013a, October 10). Prothom Alo-commissioned ORG Quest Research Limited-conducted public opinion poll 2013. Prothom Alo, Special Supplement, 1-4. (2013b, May 11). Prothom Alo-commissioned ORG-Quest-led Public Opinion Poll 9-20 April 2013. Prothom Alo, p.10. (2013c, January 6). Prothom Alo-ORG Quest Research Limited-conducted public opinion poll 2012. Prothom Alo, Special Supplement, 1-16.


Uppsala Universitet Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Loughborough University - London


Politics, Public Opinion, Democracy, Election by State, Bangladesh
