Data for "I Believe I Can Craft! Introducing Job Crafting Self-efficacy Scale (JCSES)"

Published: 8 August 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n5gx5mgfrv.1
Marta Roczniewska, Anna Rogala, Malwina Puchalska-Kaminska, Roman Cieslak, Sylwiusz Retowski


Job crafting has many positive consequences for employees and organizations. To better predict these behaviors, we introduce the concept of job crafting self-efficacy (JCSE) derived from Theory of Planned Behavior, Social Cognitive Theory, and Job Demands-Resources model. We define JCSE as an individual’s beliefs about their capability to modify demands and resources of their job. This article describes development and validation of a scale to measure JCSE. We conducted a qualitative study to design and four quantitative studies to test the psychometric properties of the JCSE Scale among Polish and American employees in both paper-and-pencil and online versions. Three independent confirmatory (N1 = 364; N2 = 432; N3 = 403) factor analyses demonstrated a good fit to a 3-factor solution comprising JCSE beliefs about increasing (1) structural job resources, (2) social job resources, and (3) challenging job demands. The final, 9-item version of JCSE Scale had good internal consistency, high time stability, and good convergent and criterion validity. It correlated positively with general self-efficacy and relevant job crafting dimensions. In addition, JCSE explained unique variance in job crafting behaviors over and above general self-efficacy. We also found that the JCSE beliefs were more important in predicting job crafting than organizational opportunities to craft. This research demonstrates the role of social cognitions in shaping job redesign behaviors and provides a useful tool to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions dedicated to empower JCSE. Keywords: job crafting, self-efficacy, psychometric validation; Social Cognitive theory, Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory



Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Self-Efficacy
