Normal Cell Differentiation Potential of Cancer Stem Cells Without Reprogramming Pluripotent Factors: a Novel Strategy in Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Tissue Regeneration

Published: 1 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n5jf5vppk4.1
Josita Alloysius Josita


Stem cells hold great promise for tissue regeneration and have the potential to treat many incurable degenerative diseases. Cancer stem cells (CSCs), or cancer initiating cells, have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into heterogeneous lineages of cancer cells. Current stem cell therapies face limitations, such as limited stem cell sources, time consumption, tumor formation, and immune rejection upon allogeneic transplantation. Allogeneic stem cell treatments simplify stem cell manufacturing and reduce transplant time, but their therapeutic potential is limited by human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-matched donors. CSCs retain characteristics essential for tissue regeneration. However, several limitations hinder cancer stem cell reprogramming with pluripotent factors. The development of 3D culture models for tissue imitating extracellular matrix in cancer cell lines aims to enhance CSC enrichment. This mini-review focuses on a new strategy for treating incurable degenerative diseases involving in vitro and in vivo 3D cancer models and the induced differentiation of CSCs into mature normal cell types. This allows tissue survival without immune rejection and offers a safe alternative to cancer stem cell reprogramming with pluripotent factors. In conclusion, preservation and banking of allogeneic CSCs offer an alternative, readily available, and safe strategy that can be used to facilitate stem cell-based cell therapy.



Banking, Stem Cells Research, Regenerative Medicine, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell, Cancer Stem Cell, Degenerative Deformity
