Niger Delta Nypa Palm Extent 2015-2020
These data are associated with an article submitted to the Journal of Remote Sensing (in review). In this study, the Sentinel 1 SAR, Sentinel 2 MSI, and ALOS 2 PALSAR 2 archives were used in Google Earth Engine to quantify the change in extent of invasive Nypa Palm in the Niger Delta over a period from 2015-2020. Areas of Nypa Palm were identified using Random Forest Classification models and a final model relying on Sentinel 1 SAR was produced for 2015 and 2020. Details regarding methods and Earth Engine code can be found in the manuscript. File Description: Classified_S1SAR_2015_NEWTRAINING_500Trees_4VarsTDX_Feb2022.tif: Landcover Classification within Study Area in 2015. Resolution: 10m. Band: Class_mode 1 = Nypa Palm 4 = Water 5 = Mangrove Classified_S1SAR_2020_NEWTRAINING_500Trees_4Vars_TDX_Feb2022.tif: Landcover Classification within Study Area in 2020. Resolution: 10m. Band: Class_mode 1 = Nypa Palm 4 = Water 5 = Mangrove ChangeDetection2015_2020Nigeria_Feb2022.tif: Landcover change type between 2015-2020. Resolution: 10m. Band: remapped 6 = No Change Nypa 7 = Nypa to Water 8 = Nypa to Mangrove 12 = Water to Nypa 14 = No Change Water 16 = Water to Mangroves 18 = Mangrove to Nypa 21 = Mangrove to Water 24 = No Change Mangrove Classified_S1SAR_2015_Confidence_Feb2022_NYPA.tif: Confidence of Nypa Classification on a per-pixel level in 2015. Resolution: 10m. Band: confidence (0-1) Classified_S1SAR_2015_Confidence_Feb2022_MANG.tif: Confidence of Mangrove Classification on a per-pixel level in 2015. Resolution: 10m. Band: confidence (0-1) Classified_S1SAR_2020_Confidence_Feb2022_NYPA.tif: Confidence of Nypa Classification on a per-pixel level in 2020. Resolution: 10m. Band: confidence (0-1) Classified_S1SAR_2020_Confidence_Feb2022_MANG.tif: Confidence of Mangrove Classification on a per-pixel level in 2020. Resolution: 10m. Band: confidence (0-1) Abigail Barenblitt; Lola Fatoyinbo; Nathan Thomas; Atticus Stovall; Celio de Sousa; Chukwuebuka Nwobi (in review). Invasion in the Niger Delta: Remote sensing of mangrove conversion to invasive Nypa fruticans from 2015-2020. Journal of Remote Sensing.