CHBR_tele_waveforms.zip: The teleseismic waveforms recorded at the CHBR station in SE of the Iranian plateau from 2016 to 2019. This station belongs to the National Center of Broadband Seismic Network of Iran (http://www.iiees.ac.ir/en/iranian-national-broadband-seismic-network/) installed by the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and seismology. HYB_P.zip: The teleseismic waveforms at the HYB station in India. This station belongs to the GEOSCOPE network installed by Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP), Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre de Strasbourg (EOST), partners (doi:10.18715/GEOSCOPE.G). CAD_P.zip: The teleseismic waveforms at the CAD station in Tibet. This station belongs to the China National Seismic Network operated by the Institute of Geophysics China Earthquake Administration (IGPCEA), China (10.7914/SN/CB).
Steps to reproduce
1- Install package (https://github.com/mveisi/jrfapp) 2- Unzip stations data and reproduction_req_fls.zip 3- Change the folders and file path in the reproduction_jrfapp_article.py (each folder explained in this script) 4- Run the reproduction_jrfapp_article.py