Multimodal Tactile Texture Dataset

Published: 15 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n666tk4mw9.1
, Vinicius Prado da Fonseca


The objective of this dataset is to provide a comprehensive collection of data that explores the recognition of tactile textures in dynamic exploration scenarios. The dataset was generated using a tactile-enabled finger with a multi-modal tactile sensing module. By incorporating data from pressure, gravity, angular rate, and magnetic field sensors, the dataset aims to facilitate research on machine learning methods for texture classification. The data is stored in pickle files, which can be read using Panda’s library in Python. The data files are organized in a specific folder structure and contain multiple readings for each texture and exploratory velocity. The dataset contains raw data of the recorded tactile measurements for 12 different textures and 3 different exploratory velocities stored in pickle files. Pickles_30 - Folder containing pickle files with tactile data at an exploratory velocity of 30 mm/s. Pickles_40 - Folder containing pickle files with tactile data at an exploratory velocity of 40 mm/s. Pickles_45 - Folder containing pickle files with tactile data at an exploratory velocity of 45 mm/s. Texture_01 to Texture_12 - Folders containing pickle files for each texture, labelled as texture_01, texture_02, and so on. Full_baro - Folder containing pickle files with barometer data for each texture. Full_imu - Folder containing pickle files with IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) data for each texture. The "reading-pickle-file.ipynb" file is a script for reading and plotting the dataset.



University of Ottawa, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Lakehead University


Robotics, Tactile Perception, Texture Perception
