Network dataset of the Afrikaans poetry system (2000-2022)

Published: 27 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n6f4d5p7gk.1
Burgert Senekal


This dataset contains relational data for network analysis. The dataset covers every poetry collection published in Afrikaans between 2000 and 2022, as well as every review or study about these collections. The total nodes file contains people (poets and literary critics or scholars), poetry collections, publishing houses, as well as platforms where studies and reviews were published. The total edges file indicates an edge between the poet and his/her collection, the collection and the publishing house, the critic or scholar and the collection he/she published on, and the collection and the platform where the collection was discussed. The edges file for only people is a simplified version of this network, and only contains people: critics or scholars and the poets they published about.



Literature, Social Network, Creative Arts
