Price, Investment and Leasing Data for the British Columbia ITQ Halibut Fishery
The data that is presented here was aggregated and consolidated to inform the research presented in the dissertation (under review) Edwards, D., Addressing Questions on the Social and Economic Outcomes of an Individual Transferable Quota Fishery, A dissertation to be submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy, University of British Columbia and in the paper Edwards, D., & Pinkerton, E. (2019), The Hidden Role of Processors in an Individual Transferable Quota Fishery. Ecology and Society, In Press. This document describes the sources and methodology used for these data inputs. The source data is provided in accompanying files. The data sources presented here are all publicly available, compiled from multiple sources including published reports, online datasets, a government pay for access dataset (BC Online corporate registry), and government data requests (through the federal Access to Information process). A file providing additional background on the data presented, including data sources, is included.