Comparing Traditional MTS Training to Observational Learning to Establish Equivalence Classes with Adults

Published: 1 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n77t7hc5r2.1
Christopher Colasurdo,
, Adrienne Jennings,


We compared traditional match-to-sample training with individual observational learning of equivalence classes through the use of video models. Two groups of OL were included: one showing progressive performance and a second showing errorless performance throughout training. Data were collected during a computerized pretest, sorting pretest, training, a computerized posttest, and a sorting posttest. Results showed that OL-Mixed training (showing progressively increasing correct performance) led to the greatest increases from pretest to posttest. Additionally, OL-Mixed training led to the highest yield (i.e., number of participants passing the posttest/demonstrating equivalence class formation). Data for: Pre/Post Difference Scores, MTS Training Data, Group Means, Training Duration, Testing Duration, Yield, and Sorting Pre/Posttest Data.



Caldwell University


Psychology, Applied Behavior Analysis
