Gaze behavior and gender in pistol shooting

Published: 8 April 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/n7nfds5842.2
Cassio Meira Jr,


Gaze behavior (quiet eye and pupillometry) and performance (scores) longitudinal data from male and female cadets in the execution of pistol shooting under low and high pressure. The study was carried out over four sessions, with intervals of 4.5 months between them. During each session, 16 men and 12 women, first-year cadets (mean age 21.5 ± 1.6 years) of The Brazilian Army Academy, performed a series of ten pistol shots under low pressure and ten shots under high pressure (time constraint, backpack, and instructor disturbance). The order of pressure conditions was counterbalanced among participants and sessions. The cadets shot in the upright position and wore an eye-tracker. The shots were fired from a 40cm-platform using a regulation pistol and ammunition at a target distance of 15 meters from the shooter and whose center was at 140cm from the floor.


Steps to reproduce

The purpose of the study was to determine if the cadets developed an earlier quiet eye onset and longer quiet eye duration, consistent with previous studies, and a decreased pupil diameter variability. Our hypothesis is that the cadets would improve their shooting accuracy, QE Onset, QE duration, and PDV over time under both low pressure and high pressure. We also expected the performance and gaze behavior improvements be sustained in women as in men. We found evidence that Army cadets improved their gaze behaviour and performance across time under high and low pressure in a shooting task. Raw data are confidential due to an agrrement with the Brazilian Army.


Universidade de Sao Paulo, University of Calgary, Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras


Military Science, Motor Control, Motor Behavior
