Religious Priming, Religious Beliefs & Charitable Giving in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire Data
The data are lab-in-the-field experiments conducted in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire in 2018. Surveys were collected from 1,583 adults which included basic demographic data. Half of the respondents randomly received a priming question, "Do you believe in heaven and hell?" The respondents were asked whether they would donate their survey participation fee, which was randomized to three levels, to an orphanage. We tested the hypothesis that the prime would increase the probability of giving to charity, whether respondents who believe would be more likely to give, and whether giving decreased as the opportunity cost (the participation fee) increased. The religious prompt was not statistically significantly associated with increased giving, but, among those who were prompted, those who believe were more likely to donate. Giving propensity decreased as the fee increased.
Steps to reproduce
The files include English translations of the survey instruments used.