Climate and disturbance data of Sullivan and Anderson Creek watersheds [Collection]

Published: 6 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n7p2phm3g5.1
Jangar Tsembel


The collection consisting of dataset and R codes required to reproduce the nonstationary frequency modelling for both watersheds. The goal of this paper is to test the hypothesis that forest logging causes an increase in the frequency and magnitude of peak flows in the treated watershed. The data represent the main factors controlling peak flows in the snow environment. The rain is a cumulative depth of one week of rainfall preceding the peak flow. The temperature is the 3-day average of maximum temperature prior to peak flow. The rest of the climatic data is raw observations. The ECA calculations are described in subsection 2.5 of the paper.


Steps to reproduce

Each covariate is an observation recorded on the day of peak flow, or a cumulative effect preceding the peak flow. The method of processing raw data is described in subsection 2.4 of the paper and in the description section of the repository. The ECA metrics were calculated manually based on the data in VRI, however data in VRI was not complement. The missing disturbance plot information was complemented using aerial maps of the area dating from 1958. The synoptic scale atmospheric indices were obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).


The University of British Columbia


Synoptic Climatology, Climate Data, Rain, Snow, Flood Frequency, Forest Clearance, Air Temperature
